Ezekiel #9
Lying Prophets and False Prophetesses
Ezekiel 13:1 - 7 (NKJV) 1And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2“Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy out of their own heart, ‘Hear the word of the Lord!’” 3Thus says the Lord GOD: “Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! 4O Israel, your prophets are like foxes in the deserts. 5You have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of
Professing themselves to be prophets of God, “Thus saith the Lord” false prophets give utterance out of their own spirits. They say what they vainly hope is the word of God, they tell what they hope God will do. Prophecy in the NT church is different from that in the O.T.
1 Corinthians 14:1 - 4 (NKJV) 1Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy. 2For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries. 3But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men. 4He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.
New Testament Prophecy:
- Edifies
- Exhorts ( advise, give urgent recommendations, pleads for change)
- Comfort
Why the New Testament Prophet does not pass judgment
- The Christian was already judged on the cross
- The penalty was paid by Jesus
- What God has already judged and the penalty has been paid cannot be judged again!
Therefore if a prophecy is brought forth in a Church that declares judgment on any part of the Body of Christ that prophet is saying what he hopes will happen! The New Testament minister does not make people comfortable in their sins but it is the “goodness of God” that brings us to repentance and repentance gives a chance for blessing.
False prophets today tell people that they will escape the coming tribulation either by going through it without it affecting them or that they will be raptured even in continuing known sin! With the judge standing at the door they continue to cry peace, peace when there is no peace.
Ezekiel 13:8 - 16 (NKJV) 8Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Because you have spoken nonsense and envisioned lies, therefore I am indeed against you,” says the Lord GOD. 9“My hand will be against the prophets who envision futility and who divine lies; they shall not be in the assembly of My people, nor be written in the record of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter into the land of Israel. Then you shall know that I am the Lord GOD. 10“Because, indeed, because they have seduced My people, saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace—and one builds a wall, and they plaster it with untempered mortar— 11say to those who plaster it with untempered mortar, that it will fall. There will be flooding rain, and you, O great hailstones, shall fall; and a stormy wind shall tear it down. 12Surely, when the wall has fallen, will it not be said to you, ‘Where is the mortar with which you plastered it?’” 13Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “I will cause a stormy wind to break forth in My fury; and there shall be a flooding rain in My anger, and great hailstones in fury to consume it. 14So I will break down the wall you have plastered with untempered mortar, and bring it down to the ground, so that its foundation will be uncovered; it will fall, and you shall be consumed in the midst of it. Then you shall know that I am the Lord. 15“Thus will I accomplish My wrath on the wall and on those who have plastered it with untempered mortar; and I will say to you, ‘The wall is no more, nor those who plastered it, 16that is, the prophets of Israel who prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of peace for her when there is no peace,’” says the Lord GOD.
False prophecy is like building a wall for your protection with mortar that has not been cured. The concrete and sand have not been blended so that the blocks will not adhere to each other. When rain and wind come the wall will fall. The false prophets have built such a wall but God is going to see that the rain and winds come and what the prophets have built will fall on them. The ministry will fail and the minister will be brought down with it!
Ezekiel 13:17 - 23 (NKJV) 17“Likewise, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people, who prophesy out of their own heart; prophesy against them, 18and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD: “Woe to the women who sew magic charms £on their sleeves and make veils for the heads of people of every height to hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and keep yourselves alive? 19And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies?” 20‘Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: “Behold, I am against your magic charms by which you hunt souls there like birds. I will tear them from your arms, and let the souls go, the souls you hunt like birds. 21I will also tear off your veils and deliver My people out of your hand, and they shall no longer be as prey in your hand. Then you shall know that I am the Lord. 22“Because with lies you have made the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad; and you have strengthened the hands of the wicked, so that he does not turn from his wicked way to save his life. 23Therefore you shall no longer envision futility nor practice divination; for I will deliver My people out of your hand, and you shall know that I am the Lord.”’”
Likewise, there are women, prophetess, who use guile and magic to get their words out. They are like Jezebel and apply manipulation, deceit, and trickery to accomplish their ends. They make amulets (magic charms and bracelets, on their arms and sleeves such as gypsies and fortune tellers wear, and use hair covers with magic trinkets and signs) to attract familiar spirits. ( a familiar spirit is a demonic spirit that is familiar with you and even dead relatives) They hunt Christians like a person with a net goes out to hunt birds – so they hunt souls. They are like harlots using their charms to lure the righteous toward their death!
2 Peter 2:1 - 3 (NKJV) 1But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction £does not slumber.
It’s not new but it hasn’t stopped!
II. Watch out for men with Big Bibles!
Ezekiel 14:1 - 11 (NKJV) 1Now some of the elders of
These “Elders” came to Ezekiel. Oh how pious these men are! The sat at Ezekiel’s feet as a sign of submission. “See!” they said, “We haven’t put up any idols!” That’s what I mean by “watch out for men with big Bibles!” They were declaring that they did not serve idols they were there to help the prophet with his ministry!”
What Ezekiel tells them is, “That’s right you do not have any idols in your house, nor do you have them in your hand because they are in your heart!” God says that he will judge these men, they were hypocrites! Jesus used that word more than any other against the religious leaders of his day. How tragic this is, God is going to judge them not only because of their hypocrisy but because they cause His people to stumble and fall.
There are two spirits operating here. The Jezebel spirit and the Absalom spirit!
2 Samuel 15:1 - 13 (NKJV) 1After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. 2Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. So it was, whenever anyone who had a lawsuit came to the king for a decision, that Absalom would call to him and say, “What city are you from?” And he would say, “Your servant is from such and such a tribe of
Like Jezebel, Absalom was deceptive. The Absalom spirit pretends to be submissive, works his way in and then tries to steal the heart of the people. So were the Elders of Israel but Ezekiel recognized their spirit and declared that they had set up idols in their hearts.
Ezekiel 14:12 - 23 (NKJV) 12The word of the Lord came again to me, saying: 13“Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it. 14Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness,” says the Lord GOD. 15“If I cause wild beasts to pass through the land, and they empty it, and make it so desolate that no man may pass through because of the beasts, 16even though these three men were in it, as I live,” says the Lord GOD, “they would deliver neither sons nor daughters; only they would be delivered, and the land would be desolate. 17“Or if I bring a sword on that land, and say, ‘Sword, go through the land,’ and I cut off man and beast from it, 18even though these three men were in it, as I live,” says the Lord GOD, “they would deliver neither sons nor daughters, but only they themselves would be delivered. 19“Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast, 20even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live,” says the Lord GOD, “they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness.” 21For thus says the Lord GOD: “How much more it shall be when I send My four severe judgments on Jerusalem—the sword and famine and wild beasts and pestilence—to cut off man and beast from it? 22Yet behold, there shall be left in it a remnant who will be brought out, both sons and daughters; surely they will come out to you, and you will see their ways and their doings. Then you will be comforted concerning the disaster that I have brought upon Jerusalem, all that I have brought upon it. 23And they will comfort you, when you see their ways and their doings; and you shall know that I have done nothing without cause that I have done in it,” says the Lord GOD.
The Fourfold Judgment
- Famine
- Evil Beasts
- Sword
- Pestilence
The sin was so great that not even intercession prayer could help
Noah spared his family
Daniel spared his friends
Job spared his friends
But if Noah, Daniel and Job had all been there the Jews would not have listened!